Thursday, December 29, 2016


Going Rogue...
We saw Star Wars Rouge One over the holidays. I was really excited about it (If you haven't seen it and don't want a spoiler quit reading now). I love the Star Wars movies and have since I was little. My bestie Billy Kitchens and I watched every movie when we were little and had probably over 100 characters. He had some other awesome play model pieces including the Millennium Falcon that I am sure his mom still has stored somewhere safely. I loved Princess Leia as I know most girls my age did. Double hair buns were a very popular hairstyle for most every 5 year old girl I knew. But this particular movie was a disappointment to me. First of all it was confusing with all the new characters and most all of them die at the end. What the heck! The effects were not amazing to me even on IMAX 4D. With that being said, I am not a professional movie critic. I am just one fan and this was definitely my least favorite Star Wars installment. But as I was sitting there all I kept thinking about was how the fighters of childhood cancer had many similarities to the rogue fighters in this movie and this would make for a good blog topic. First of all we feel like rebels in a world that seems to be constantly fighting against us. Trying to change things and the battle to make things better just seems so fruitless at times. But like the big line in the movie states, "Rebellions are built on hope." we tend to feed off of hope even when beating the childhood cancer beast seems almost impossible. People don't listen or seem to care. Very little $ is given to this rebellion, we are exhausted, fighting with only hope sometimes but we are a small band of fighters who know no other way. Bad things constantly happen.  More children are diagnosed daily, children die everyday and everything seems to go against us. We fight with all of our energy just to be wounded and beaten to see too little progress.  Eric Trump stepping down from his fundraising efforts and foundation which raised tons of $ for childhood cancer and St. Jude is disappointing to say the least. He ran his foundation the right way with little cost and raised millions. The top of the line ICU he funded was helpful in saving Mary's life many times. But I have to hope. Hope for a bigger plan and purpose that we won't lose in the end and many innocent lives will be saved because of our unseen efforts. We can't give up, the price of giving up is too big. Maybe there will be more education now because of the attention this has gained and notice about the need for research and funding will be gained. And maybe Eric will find a way to keep the foundation going or do something even bigger and better. I hope.
On another note/rant the real life Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher, died on Christmas. It's sad-yes. Then a couple of days later her mother/actress, Debbie Reynolds died. Even more sad-yes. People are going crazy on the internet about the celebrity deaths and all and it irritates the sh*t out of me. Literally what great things did Carrie Fisher do???She lived a long hard life. I would give anything to see Mary have the chance to live 60+ years. And her mom was 84 people!!!! Where is the outrage over seeing innocent children die and suffer beyond belief because no one in 40+ years has done enough or cared enough or given enough $ to cure childhood cancer. These children have been ignored and thrown away. That should be the outrage.  People are saying Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart. Seriously? I am sure it was awful burying her child, I know first hand. Imagine burying your young little innocent baby. My heart is literally torn in two. But me and all my other mother friends in this horrible club have to go on. We don't get the chance to die of a broken heart. Instead we live with our broken hearts every moment of every day. These celebrity news stories irritate me how people flip their lids over celebrities they don't even know. My perspective is forever changed and I guess I just have to HOPE and pray some more people will join our rebel rebellion and go rogue with us. And eventually wake up to reality as sad and difficult as it can be.
Go Rouge and give here before the end of the year:

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