Friday, November 4, 2016

Thankful and Grateful...

Thankful and grateful...

Some days it is hard to be thankful. I want to wallow in my misery and hate life. A life that isn't what I wanted and a life I some days want to escape. The truth is I have a lot to be grateful for. No matter where we are or our situation in life there is always, always something to be grateful for. It didn't take me losing Mary to be grateful. I was thankful everyday for my life. It was good...really good. It is different now but there are many good things still. Sometimes I have to focus harder on them through the tears. Whit and Maddy are my two biggest blessings, they are my pride and joy. I am thankful to have them, if I didn't I seriously wouldn't get out of bed everyday. I have a supportive husband who has stood by us all during the worst. My family, friends and support of others rank high up there also. Material blessings don't count. Truthfully they don't matter. Love, peace and happiness are what matter.  I think you have to be careful not to get sucked in to the fake pictures (Facebook) of people showing off their "blessings". People always show their best face to the public, that is only natural. You can't let this make you jealous or feel inferior. Everyone has their demons. Everyone. I know I fight mine daily, but to stay out of the bleak I focus the best I can on my blessings-or at least try. My list of "good things" is still really long and I won't write them down for you. But maybe if you are feeling down and unblessed make a list of those blessings. It helps.
I will never say cancer is a blessing. It is not, it is a nightmare. But some blessings have come from even cancer.  We as a family have raised awareness and money. That is huge. And hopefully our story has helped others to appreciate their blessings, to hold them a little tighter and be thankful for them a little more. 
CURE is asking for people to send in pictures with a "hand turkey", fill the picture in with things you are thankful for and post it with the hashtag #CUREthankful. I think this is a great idea. We will do that and focus on the "thankful" this year.

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