Thursday, April 16, 2020

This quarantine has made us all insane. We have tried to find projects and stay busy. We made a garden and planted lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and squash. So far only tiny baby lettuce has started to pop up. I am actually not even sure if the torrential rain showers of late haven’t washed all of our seeds away. If a tomato plant starts growing in the neighbors yard then I guess we will have our answer.
In these crazy times we somehow got the bright idea that we needed to have chickens. I think watching end of the world types of shows on Netflix and seeing the actual people of the world hoard like we will run out of food and toilet paper somehow implanted in our minds the need to have chickens. We need eggs daily-so it makes sense. 💁🏻‍♀️We also need milk but I haven’t convinced Steve to let me get a cow-yet. If the world ends we can eat the chickens if need be.. Kidding 😂. Never. This is all if the neighborhood pirates don’t fine us first. So shhhh it’s a secret. I’m working on ways to hide the chickens.
We started doing chicken research and discover silkies. They are the Persian cats of the chicken world.They are adorable, small and friendly. Perfect chicken pets. Of course I had to have one.  After all of this impulsive thinking I found out that everyone in the world also wants chickens. It’s a thing. It’s like the Lysol of the chicken world. Like people are going crazy buying up every dang chicken they can get their hands in. It’s insane.
After doing more research I found a website called “My Pet Chicken”. It’s is a very cute site and has some great information. From there we decided we needed to hatch our own eggs and build our own incubator. This  means no eggs will likely hatch and we will have to just buy actual chicks-if we can find any.
Our eggs came today. If you want a good laugh or cry you can follow the blog to see how this goes...
We have 4 eggs and what is in them is a total mystery. We ordered “fancy chicken” eggs and they can be anything. We hope sillies. We pray to hatch one or two and then cross our fingers that they aren’t roosters. We shall see...this is our life...maybe it’s more entertaining than the season finally of Ozark (so I’ve heard) and almost as insane as “The Tiger King”
Thanks to my good friend who lent me a power saw and nail gun to occupy me. We have used it to create our chicken barn in anticipation of our fancy friends. (Not finished) I have also built window boxes for the playhouse and house, and multiple hideous birdhouses that contain 5000 nails and still fall apart. I am asking for my own set of power tools for my birthday. Wink wink. Creating wood items from scrap wood keeps me outside, busy and more sane than not.
I will not make you anything because these are wayyyy amateur.
We all need to hear about things other than online school and the virus. Enjoy.
P.S. all 4 eggs look different. I really hope they hatch so we can discover what they are. One is tiny and greenish and two are light blue, but different sizes. Eeekkkk

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